Fedora Packages

copr-frontend-devel-2.1-1.fc40 in Fedora 40

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Date Author Change
2024-10-03 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup at redhat dot com> 2.1-1 - bugfix Packit 500, attempt no. 2
2024-10-02 Jiri Kyjovsky <j1 dot kyjovsky at gmail dot com> 2.0-1 - Show Webhook History table under Settings -> Integrations - Fix the 500 for racy creation attempts - Implement project, build, chroot deletion and creation in Pulp - Provide statistics on how many users submitted at least one build in past month - Use the same repofile for all CentOS Stream versions
2024-05-21 Jakub Kadlcik <frostyx at email dot cz> 1.206-1 - Center the outage warning banner text - Fix unexpected output schema for deleting builds - Fix parsing build IDs to be deleted - add per package timeout option - Alembic: fix a migration syntax warning - EOL-emails deterministic - List temporary project after normal projects - Don't index unlisted and temporary projects - Speedup the update-indexes command - Make EOL chroot emails shorter - Add tests for branching custom directory - Run rawhide-to-release for all CoprDirs - Delete compatibility code between flask and flask-restx - Migrate builds to flask-restx - Fix bug in reporting failed SRPMs to log-detective - Commit after every 10 deleted projects instead of 100 - Don't pass raw SQL as string but rather SQLAlchemy text
2024-04-12 Jakub Kadlcik <frostyx at email dot cz> 1.205-1 - Update download stats footnote - Migrate more enpoints to flask-restx - Speedup the removal of temporary projects - Add link to the Outdated chroots removal policy - Compatibility with SQLAlchemy 2.0
2024-03-04 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup at redhat dot com> 1.204-1 - opt-in the log-detective.com button
2024-03-01 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup at redhat dot com> 1.203-1 - big RFE: allow user SSH to builders - correctly check CoprDir before upload - migrate projects, build-chroots, monitor, modules, mock_chroots, webhooks enpoints to restx - add button for feeding log-detective.com - add runtime dependency on flask-session and markupsafe - keep logs 6 weeks instead of 13 - clean expired projects (by cron) even without user permission - atomic increments for repo accesses, and fix racy counter tracebacks - fix fedora-messaging consumer for the new flask - allow ignoring project-exists errors during creation - compatibility with Werkzeug/Flask 3 - fix race condition when creating CoprDir - specify 4xx status codes for ApiError exceptions - convert eror message to binary text before emitting - oidc: add OIDC_USERNAME_CLAIM - oidc: clean up duplicate return code - show unknown badge when a package has no builds yet - allow dot and plus characters in chroot denylist - more precise description for manual createrepo - add backref relationship between Package and Build
2023-11-23 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup at redhat dot com> 1.202-1 - make alembic working on F39+ - unify naming convention for "_safe" methods - don't ignore custom method repos when resubmitting from the WebUI - the "recent copr builds" on homepage are opt-in configurable - allow keeping temporary projects up to 2 years - don't log errors/tracebacks if OIDC is disabled - don't create a separate logger for the oidc.py file - explain the reason for skipping chroot builds - better priority=X docs in web-UI - propagate the "priority" value in 'dnf5 copr enable' output
2023-08-15 Pavel Raiskup <praiskup at redhat dot com> 1.201-1 - buildchroot results returned via API can provide epoch==null - skip ExcludeArch and ExclusiveArch for resubmitted builds - added support for OIDC groups - allow specifying fully-qualified Mock bootstrap images - move chroot_to_branch() method to python-copr-common - config-based build-chroot tags, allows using Reslloc "on-demand" resources - relationship between Action model and Copr model added - the 1:1 between (FAS) groups and Copr groups is now enforced - priority=X added to the per-project repo configuration - make the pyp2spec the default PyPI spec generator in Copr - new failed-to-succeeded-stats command - add packages count at homepage (opt-in) - better clone_url matching on webhooks - added redis authentication support - don't list temporary projects on the main homepage - confirmation needed before 'drop-db' is executed
2023-05-23 Jakub Kadlcik <frostyx at email dot cz> 1.200-1 - Send follow_fedora_branching value via API - Add support for OIDC - Allow submitting EPEL8 module builds - Show resalloc-webui link in the task queue - Accept the OpenID response as a POST request - OpenAPI first steps - Automatically create aliases for routes with trailing slash - Include the Amazon Linux logo for Amazon Linux chroots - General check if it makes sense to upload SRPM - Add command for generating usage treemap - Frontend: add loggs to python-backoff decorator - APIv3 rpmrepo: provide module_hotfixes opt - Show API config even for not logged users
2023-04-05 Jiri Kyjovsky <j1 dot kyjovsky at gmail dot com> 1.199-1 - Bump version for release mess


  • copr-frontend-devel
  • rpm_macro(copr_frontend_chroot_logodir)
  • rpm_macro(copr_frontend_flavor_filelist)
  • rpm_macro(copr_frontend_flavor_generator)
  • rpm_macro(copr_frontend_flavor_pkg)
  • rpm_macro(copr_frontend_staticdir)
  • rpm_macro(copr_frontend_templatedir)


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