Fedora Packages

astrometry-data-4107-4119-0.97-3.fc42 in Fedora Rawhide

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Date Author Change
2025-02-02 Orion Poplawski <orion at nwra dot com> - 0.97-3 - Rebuild with gsl 2.8
2025-01-16 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 0.97-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_42_Mass_Rebuild
2024-12-14 Mattia Verga <mattia dot verga at proton dot me> - 0.97-1 - Update to 0.97 (fedora#2330074)
2024-09-27 Mattia Verga <mattia dot verga at proton dot me> - 0.96-2 - Rename binaries names conflicting with cfitsio binaries - Remove fitsverify binary which is now provided by own package
2024-09-15 Mattia Verga <mattia dot verga at proton dot me> - 0.96-1 - Update to 0.96 (fedora#2312406) - Prepare to support numpy 2
2024-08-04 Mattia Verga <mattia dot verga at protonmail dot com> - 0.94-10 - Disable build on i686 (fix Fedora#2300567) - Switch Tycho index files to upstream provided - Switch 42xx index files to 52xx
2024-07-25 Miroslav Suchý <msuchy at redhat dot com> - 0.94-9 - convert license to SPDX
2024-07-17 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 0.94-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild
2024-06-08 Python Maint <python dash maint at redhat dot com> - 0.94-7 - Rebuilt for Python 3.13
2024-01-29 Mattia Verga <mattia dot verga at protonmail dot com> - 0.94-6 - Rebuilt for libwcs soname bump



  • astrometry-data
  • astrometry-data-4107-4119
  • astrometry-data-4207
  • astrometry-tycho2


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